Mati Canada helps people to survive and recover from forced displacement.
Forced displacement often leaves people without Basic needs and mental peace.
Mati Canada tries to expand their support, when the humanitarian world struggles to meet these basic needs and mental consolation.
Recovery from forced displacement requires a supportive community, life-giving faith and emotional healing. It also includes regaining opportunities to make a meaningful contribution to society.

Mati Canada Belief the most important mandate which is as follows:
- Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution; (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 14.1).
- Canada and Canadians have responsibilities for the protection and resettlement of refugees from around the world.
- National and international refugee and immigration policies must accord special consideration to the experience of refugee and immigrant.

MATI Canada works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of Refugee.
- To promote national and international cooperation on refugee issues in Canada and abroad.
- To assist in the search for practical solutions to refugee problems.
- To provide humanitarian assistance to refugees in need.